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Antillean mixed center optimizes job training.

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The "Landing of the Perrit" mixed school in the municipality of Antilla has placed special emphasis on agricultural work as part of the municipal strategy for food sovereignty. For the Antilla school, the importance of the school garden in the labor training of the students is clear. In the institution, agricultural work is carried out in the opposite section of the school day, and there is a nominal list of pre-university and Professional Technical Education students. They are organized by brigades and meet at staggered times so that they do not coincide in the productive area and thus optimize the work.

So far, 109 pounds of pumpkin, 113 of sweet potato and 146 of plantain have been harvested, together with 14 pounds of chili peppers. The quality of the production is very good, because natural fertilizers are used, made in the center itself, in the back area of the center.

Luis Carlos Ramos, director of the school, said that they also have a cook's garden and a garden of medicinal plants, and that very soon they will be planting fruit trees around the perimeter fence.


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