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Proud of our bolero.

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The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Unesco) declared the bolero as Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity at the proposal of Cuba and Mexico. The news, of course, has been a great pleasure for Antillean lovers of the musical genre. With a deep-rooted presence in the territory, in 2008 a project associated with it was created, which after 15 years remains as a flagship space. Interested in the subject, we talked to Rafael Utria Huerta, director of the "Adelaida del Mármol" cultural center and project manager.

"This is La Tarde del Bolero, which takes place every Sunday at 4:00 pm in the José Martí promenade, located in the central avenue 28 de Enero. In 2011 the longest bolero in the country took place, with 9 hours and 35 minutes, which was endorsed by a prestigious jury of the Empresa de la Música. It was presided by Maestro Oquendo". It also mentions that the Movement of Amateur Artists of the patio was present, with Oscar Fernández Paz, Cristóbal Felipe Valdés and Edalio Espinosa standing out. Along with them sang prestigious boleristas from our province, Camagüey and Santiago de Cuba, such as: Lucrecia Marín, Marta de la Paz, Aurora Delgado, Ernesto Infante, Daniel Arseris, Wister Coba, Ramón Viada and Las Hermanas Lagos, among others.

"There are several workshops of creation and appreciation that are developed in the territory in order to promote the genre. Recently a round table discussion was held on its genesis in the 19th century in Cuba, where it is considered that the first bolero was "Tristezas", written by the Cuban José Pepe Sánchez in Santiago de Cuba in 1883", concluded the director.

Nothing, if we used to listen and dance the bolero with pleasure, now we do it with pride.

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