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The municipality of Antilla celebrates 99 years of existence.

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On January 21, Antilla celebrated its 99th anniversary of becoming a municipality. It deserves to be remembered that February 22, 1905, when a sharp steam whistle, like a victorious cry, resounded in all areas of this northern region, announcing to its inhabitants that the powerful hand of man had extended the railroad to Punta de Corojal. Then came the port and a flourishing commerce. New avenues of progress were unquestionably opening up for this town, which 20 years later would turn it into a municipality. It happened on January 21, 1925, and from that early date until today, 99 years have passed. A representation of the Antillean people gathered in front of the bust of the most universal Cuban to commemorate the event.

Art and culture joined hands to liven up the meeting, with the participation of the Movement of Amateur Artists of the Adelaida del Mármol Cultural Center. At the end of the activity, several events began simultaneously, and among the most popular were: the poetry festival, the round table discussion on tangible and intangible heritage, the expo on the results of different social sectors, the digital photography contest organized by the youth club, the gallery exhibition with artists from the patio and the festival of children's performances, among others.

Antilla celebrates its 99th birthday with a dose of pride and 100th of commitment, planning for its centennial in 2025.

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